PyraMax Bank and Nitro
PyraMax Bank employees save hundreds of hours every week with Nitro
“Nitro gives us all the functionality we need at a fraction of the cost of other providers”
Wisconsin, USA
Company Size
Community Banking
Customer since 2013
Nitro PDF Pro

Nitro proves a powerful time-saving tool for PyraMax Bank’s office staff.

The Challenge

Unlock the full potential of Nitro’s PDF editing solution

PyraMax Bank has been serving the people of southeast Wisconsin since 1895. Based in the city of Greenfield in the Milwaukee metropolitan area, the community bank employs approximately 100 people across its six branches and in various back-office roles.

It is more than a decade since PyraMax first adopted Nitro. Until last year, however, the PDF editing software was being used by only a handful of the bank’s employees. Senior Vice President of Information Technology, Maranda Baseler, explains: “It was obvious that Nitro could be a highly effective time-saving tool for our business. But, for historical reasons, we were using it alongside another, much more expensive provider, which restricted the number of licenses we could afford.”

The goal for Maranda and PyraMax in 2023 was to unlock Nitro’s full potential by extending its use across the bank.

The Solution

An intuitive, cost-effective tool with multiple use cases

Since taking on responsibility for the bank’s IT department in May 2023, Maranda Baseler has overseen a rapid rise in the number of employees using Nitro in their day-to-day work. She says: “Over the past year, we have ramped up the number of licenses across the organization, enabling many more employees to use Nitro’s extensive functionality in their day-to-day work.”

In the bank’s commercial team, for example, employees are now using Nitro to copy and paste long, complicated legal descriptions within PDF documents, which they would previously have had to spend time painstakingly typing out themselves. They are also using Nitro to convert Excel reports into easier-to-read PDF formats, so they can communicate more effectively with clients and the board.

Another great benefit of Nitro, in Maranda’s view, is the ability it gives users to annotate text. “When you’re able to add comments directly to the document, rather than having to put them in a separate email, it saves everyone so much time and effort. I’m happy to say that these marking-up features are now being used across the bank.”

The Results

100s of hours saved
Nitro is now saving the bank’s commercial and mortgage lending departments an average of three hours per user per week.
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Increased value for money
By gradually switching from a much more expensive provider to Nitro, PyraMax have been able to increase the number of licensed users, bringing time-saving benefits to more team members.
1 in 3 employees now using Nitro
PyraMax Bank’s community of Nitro users has grown rapidly in the last couple of years, from just a handful of employees to the vast majority of those working in back-office roles.

“Nitro makes a significant difference to the way we do business at PyraMax Bank. It gives us a fantastic dashboard and all the functionality we need – at, quite honestly, a fraction of the cost of other vendors we have been using. That’s why I am working hard at our end to roll the software out across the business and make sure we are using it to its fullest capabilities.”

- Maranda Baseler | SVP Information Services

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