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Signez numériquement avec iDIN dans Nitro Sign

iDIN est une initiative d'identité simple et intuitive pour signer des documents électroniquement en utilisant les méthodes de connexion sécurisées et pratiques de la propre banque néerlandaise des utilisateurs. Essayez-le avec Nitro dès aujourd'hui.

Pourquoi choisir iDIN ?

icon of people

Meilleure expérience utilisateur

iDIN est facile à utiliser. Les signataires n'ont qu'à compléter quelques étapes qui aboutissent à un taux de conversion élevé et à une expérience sécurisée et fluide.
icon of a globe


Vous pouvez atteindre des millions d'utilisateurs potentiels lorsqu'ils se connectent en toute sécurité en utilisant leurs identifiants bancaires de confiance.
icon of a gavel

Légalement contraignant

La méthode d'identification et de signature iDIN est juridiquement contraignante conformément à eIDAS.

Comment signer avec iDIN dans Nitro Sign 

Screenshots-iDIN-Step 1
Étape 1

Préparez vos documents

Préparez vos documents pour la signature et sélectionnez iDIN comme méthode de signature. Vous pouvez combiner cela avec une ou plusieurs méthodes de signature pour offrir le choix à votre signataire. 

Nitro sign form fields
Étape 2

Envoyer au signataire

En quelques clics, vos documents sont prêts à être signés. Vos signataires reçoivent un e-mail avec un lien de signature. Une fenêtre apparaît où le signataire peut parcourir le document et commencer la méthode de signature avec iDIN.

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Étape 3

Le signataire choisit sa banque

On demande au signataire de sélectionner la banque néerlandaise où il a un compte. À travers une page iDIN dédiée sur le site web de cette banque, il est demandé de confirmer (après s'être connecté au compte) que certaines données peuvent être partagées avec Nitro Sign. Ces données incluront au minimum les initiales du prénom, le nom de famille et un identifiant iDIN unique.

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Signer avec iDIN

Nitro Sign intègre ensuite les informations liées à la transaction et à l'identité du signataire dans la signature. Les données utilisées pour cette méthode de signature sont liées de manière unique à l'individu.

Conservez les documents et les signatures électroniques sécurisés et conformes aux réglementations de l'industrie

Intégré dans la solution de signature électronique la plus innovante et agile.

Conforme à eIDAS, eSIGN Act, UETA, loi de Singapour, Hong Kong, ZertES (Suisse) et RGPD
Combinez iDIN avec d'autres méthodes de signature
Intégration facile via API ou utilisation du portail autonome
Personnalisez la solution selon votre image de marque

Questions Fréquemment Posées sur iDIN

What is iDIN?

iDIN is a Dutch online identification service introduced in 2016 by the Dutch Payment Association (Betaalvereniging Nederland) and developed together with multiple large Dutch banks.

The primary goal of this initiative was to enable consumers to log in to platforms, verify their age, and identify themselves with organizations using their bank’s secure and convenient login methods. This eliminates the need for separate passwords or authentication methods across multiple online services. iDIN seamlessly integrates into customer journeys for insurance providers, financial and governmental institutions, online retailers, and more.

Over the years, iDIN has also evolved into a digital signature solution. Just like authentication and identification, it allows users to sign documents electronically using their bank’s login credentials. With iDIN, digital signing becomes more accessible and appealing because consumers are already familiar with their banking authentication process.

How many people use iDIN?

iDIN is an initiative of the Dutch Betaalvereniging and banks like ABN Amro, ASN, ING, Rabobank, Regiobank, SNS Bank, and Triodos Bank. This means that in one go, iDIN can reach 14 million potential users.

How does identification with iDIN work?

Due to the growth of remote working, the need for companies to be certain about the identity of their customers and users is more important than ever. This means that the need for a trusted and secure identification tool is growing too. Thanks to iDIN, a client can confirm his or her identity as they have already identified themselves when opening a bank account.

The following example outlines the process of using iDIN:

  • Step 1: Andrew creates an account at a eShop to buy a new Smart TV.
  • Step 2: A screen appears on the eShop page where Andrew chooses his bank.
  • Step 3: Andrew is redirected to the iDIN portal of this bank.
  • Step 4: He authenticates with his bank card and bank-specific authentication method.
  • Step 5: Andrew’s personal data that was required by the eShop is automatically filled into the form.
  • Step 6: Andrew agrees that this information may be provided.
  • Step 7: Andrew returns to the eShop where he can continue his purchase.

How does signing with iDIN work with Nitro Sign?

iDIN can be used as signing method and is available in Nitro Sign, our electronic signatures solution.

When using iDIN as a signing method, the signatory is asked to select the Dutch bank where they have an account. Through a dedicated iDIN page on that bank’s website, they are asked to confirm (after logging into the account) that certain data may be shared with Nitro Sign. That data will include at least first name initials, last name, and a unique iDIN identifier.

Nitro Sign then embeds the information related to the transaction and the identity of the signatory into the signature. The data used for this signing method is uniquely linked to the individual.

Because the signature creation data is derived from information provided by the bank and requires the signatory to log into their bank account beforehand, it can be argued that this data remains under the sole control of the signatory. Without logging in and using the proper authentication method, no one else can generate the signature.

What are the advantages of iDIN?

Offering iDIN to your customer as a login and signing method has many advantages:

For you as a company:

  • You can verify the identity of your customers.
  • You can securely reach millions of potential users as they log in using their trusted banking credentials.
  • The iDIN identification and signing method is legally binding in accordance with eIDAS. 
  • Thanks to the fraud monitoring procedures of the banks, iDIN protects your company against identity theft and fraud.

For your customers:
  • iDIN is easy to use, and the consumer only needs to complete a few simple steps, resulting in a high conversion rate. 
  • They can use the same login method across several organizations.
  • They no longer need to fill in their personal data, saving time and reducing errors. 

Is digital identification and signing with iDIN legally binding?

In Europe, the U.S., and many countries around the world, digital identification and a digital signature are legally binding.

Because iDIN is a Dutch initiative, we adhere to the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS Regulation 910/2014/EC). eIDAS forms the legal framework for accepting electronic identities and signatures in Europe.

For electronic identification and signature transactions that leverage bank ID authentication services, the resulting identification and eSigned documents are legally binding under the eIDAS regulation.

iDIN addresses the following legal requirements, eliminating your legal concerns:

  • With iDIN, the banks confirm the identity of the signer, and signing methods are based on the highly regulated KYC process the customer has completed at the bank.
  • When using iDIN via Nitro Sign, the audit trail tracks all metadata of the iDIN authentication and encrypts it in the signed document.
  • Nitro Sign records the exact time of signature via time stamps.
  • After signing, Nitro Sign seals the document with a certificate. If the document is amended after it has been signed, this certificate is declared invalid. 
  • When the document is opened, the PDF reader (e.g., Nitro PDF Pro) shows the validity of the electronic signature.
  • Manipulation of the signature or the signed document can be traced immediately.

iDIN signatures are legally binding. In case of a dispute, verifying the signatory's identity is straightforward.

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