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Sub-Processors & Subcontractors

Nitro uses certain sub-processors to provide services to its customers. This page on our website intends to inform you on which sub-processors are applicable and are used by Nitro.

Wat is een sub-verwerker?

Een sub-verwerker is een gegevensverwerker die door Nitro is ingeschakeld en toegang heeft of mogelijk toegang zal hebben tot of persoonlijke gegevens zal verwerken tijdens het gebruik van onze diensten.

Nitro schakelt verschillende soorten sub-verwerkers in om verschillende functies uit te voeren zoals hieronder uitgelegd. De diensten die door de sub-verwerkers die wij inschakelen worden geleverd, zijn essentieel voor het beschikbaar maken van alle functionaliteiten van onze diensten.

Wanneer schakelt Nitro een nieuwe sub-verwerker in?

Klant die de Data Processing Addendum van Nitro heeft ondertekend, zullen door Nitro worden geïnformeerd als de lijst met sub-verwerkers, zoals gepubliceerd op deze website, wordt bijgewerkt en wordt afgestemd op het proces dat is uiteengezet in de relevante Data Processing Addendum.

Nitro verplicht zich om deze lijst van sub-verwerkers regelmatig bij te werken (indien van toepassing) om haar klanten in staat te stellen op de hoogte te blijven van de reikwijdte van de activiteiten van sub-verwerking die verband houden met onze diensten.

Sub-processors engaged in our services


Nitro Pro

All sub-processors



Data Center Location

Amazon Web Services Hosting services EU data centers
App Center Crash logs  
Auth0 Authentication services EU data centers
Azure OpenAI hosted on Azure  
Bugsplat Captures application crashes with an optional email field AWS (Virginia/USA)
Cloudflare Web application firewall Global
Conga Composer Onboarding emails and Provisioning emails EU data centers
DataDog Logging provider EU data centers
Google reCAPTCHA: Spam prevention United States
Intercom Product onboarding and customer contact EU data centers
Kofax CSDK (PDF/A Conversion) Cloud conversion for PDF/A  
Nalpeiron Stores a computer ID that identifies a machine and has an optional username/email field that users can enter data into at activation time Rackspace (Chicago/USA)
Paddle Support for licensing AWS (US-East-1, US-West-2)
Planhat Support services  
Redis Cloud Caching services EU data centers
SFDC Support services EU data centers
Snowflake Database storage services EU data centers
Workato Support Services United States (Virginia)


Nitro Sign (Essentials & Advanced)

All sub-processors



Data Center Location

Amazon Web Services Hosting services EU data centers
Auth0 Authentication services EU data centers
Snowflake Database storage services EU data centers
Intercom Product onboarding and customer contact EU data centers
SFDC Support services EU data centers
Workato Support services United States (Virginia) 
Planhat Support Services   
Cloudflare Web application firewall Global
DataDog Logging provider EU data centers
Notarius Used by Nitro Sign (Essentials & Advanced) to digitally sign customer documents Canada
Conga composer Onboarding emails and provisioning emails  EU data centers
Google reCAPTCHA: Spam prevention United States


Nitro Sign Premium

Infrastructure sub-processor: data storage and hosting

Entity Name


Data Center Location


Microsoft Azure Cloud service provider Amsterdam and Dublin ISO 27001


eSignature specific sub-processors




Amazon Web Services*

SMS OTP Signing Method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messages

Email OTP signing: Email Gateway, mailing service provider

Data centers located in the EEA SMS OTP signing method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messages The Netherlands
Criipto Intermediary party related to the Nordics Identity Schemes Denmark
Esendex** SMS OTP Signing Method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messages United Kingdon
iDIN Identification via the Dutch iDIN scheme The Netherlands
MTarget** SMS OTP Signing Method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messages France
Tripolis*** Email OTP signing: Email Gateway, mailing service provider The Netherlands

* AWS SMS OTP is only used for customers not based in the EU.
** Esendex and MTarget are currently not applicable in case of a default set-up and will only be in scope in case of specific demands of the client.
*** Tripolis was decommissioned as a sub-processor and replaced by Amazon Web Services. Existing Customers were migrated between November 15th and December 15th, 2024.

eSignature sub-processors engaged for support services



Salesforce (Service Cloud) Management tool for support services related to Nitro eSignatures in general (web-based ticketing system)


eSignature specific third-party data controllers



Belgian Mobile ID (itsme Services) Provisioning of itsme® Services (for identification, authentication and eSigning)
Finnish Trust Network Provisioning of services related to the Finnish Trust Network
Nem ID/MitID Provisioning of services related to Nem ID/MitID
Norwegian Bank ID Provisioning of services related to Norwegian Bank ID
OneID Provisioning of OneID service
Swedish Bank ID Provisioning of services related to Swedish Bank ID
Swisscom Provisioning of Swisscom signing service


Time-stamping and certification



Certigna Issuing of RGS/eIDAS certificates and time-stamping services
Camerfirma Issuing of eIDAS certificates and time-stamping services
GlobalSign Issuing of certificates
BE-YS Issuing of certificates (only for specific client setups)
Notarius Remote hash signing and time-stamping


Nitro digital signing service

Infrastructure sub-processors: Data storage and hosting




Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider; Hosting Europe


eSignatures sub-processors: support services 



Salesforce (Service Cloud) Management tool for support services related to Nitro Digital Signing Service (web-based ticketing system)


Time-stamping and certification 



Certigna Issuing of RGS/eIDAS certificates and time-stamping services
Camerfirma Issuing of eIDAS certificates and time-stamping services
GlobalSign Issuing of certificates
BE-YS Issuing of certificates (only for specific client setups)
Notarius Remote hash signing and time-stamping


Nitro validation service

Infrastructure sub-processors: data storage and hosting




Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider; Hosting Europe


Nitro identity service

Infrastructure sub-processors: data storage and hosting




Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider; Hosting Europe


Nitro Identity Hub

Infrastructure sub-processors: data storage and hosting




Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider; Hosting Europe


Infrastructure sub-processors: support services



Salesforce (Service Cloud) Management tool for support services related to Nitro Identity Hub (web-based ticketing system)


Identity hub-specific third-party data controllers



Belgian Mobile ID (itsme Services) Provisioning of itsme® Services (for identification and authentication)
Finnish Trust Network Provisioning of services related to the Finnish Trust Network
Nem ID/MitID Provisioning of services related to Nem ID/MitID
Norwegian Bank ID Provisioning of services related to Norwegian Bank ID
OneID Provisioning of OneID service
Swedish Bank ID Provisioning of services related to Swedish Bank ID


Identity Hub-specific sub-processors




Criipto Intermediary party related to the Nordics Identity Schemes Denmark


Nitro group companies

The following entities are members of the Nitro Group (and Nitro affiliates may act as sub-processor to another Nitro entity):



Nitro Software Ltd Australia
Nitro Software EMEA Ltd Ireland
Nitro Software Inc. United States
Nitro Software Canada Ltd Canada
Nitro Software Germany GmbH Germany
Nitro Software Hungary Kft. Hungary
Nitro Software Belgium NV Belgium
Nitro Software France SAS France
Nitro Software Portugal LDA Portugal


Global sub-processors

This section provides information about the identity, location, and role of material sub-processors Nitro engages for its internal business purposes. Nitro, by default, qualifies as a data controller about these sub-processors, and they are, in general, not engaged within the services Nitro is offering pursuant to customer agreements unless they are also mentioned in the sections above. 




Amazon Web Services Hosting services EU Data Centers
CyberSource Payment processing United States
GetFeedback Customer surveys US Data Centers
Gong Call recording United States
Google Analytics United States
Intercom Customer communication United States
Invision Community Support forum US Data Centers
Marketo Marketing tool United States
Microsoft Office Infrastructure United States
Oracle America Billing United States
Paddle MOR and payment processing (MAC) United States
Salesforce Customer relationship management and customer support EU Data Centers
Salesloft Customer relationship management United States
Slack Collaboration and communication United States
Snowflake Database storage services EU Data Centers
Stripe Payment processing United States