Onderteken uw documenten met E-mail OTP
E-mail OTP is een elektronische onderteken methode gebaseerd op een eenmalig wachtwoord dat naar het e-mailadres van de geregistreerde ondertekenaar wordt gestuurd, waardoor gebruikers documenten van overal ter wereld kunnen ondertekenen.
E-mail OTP is eenvoudig te gebruiken. Uw ondertekenaars doorlopen een aantal korte stappen, wat resulteert in een hoge conversieratio en een veilige, naadloze ervaring.
E-mail OTP is een wereldwijde onderteken methode. Iedereen met een mobiele telefoon kan uw documenten digitaal ondertekenen.
Sterke validatie van identiteit
De E-mail OTP ondertekenmethode is wettelijk bindend in overeenstemming met eIDAS.
Wettelijk bindende elektronische handtekening
eIDAS forms a legal framework for accepting electronic identities and signatures in Europe. According to this regulation, the email OTP signing solution is among the most advanced Simple Electronic Signatures (SES) methods available through Nitro Sign.
Houd documenten en eHandtekeningen veilig en compliant met de industrievoorschriften
Geïntegreerd in de meest innovatieve en agile oplossing voor elektronische handtekeningen.
Conformiteit met eIDAS, E-Sign Act, UETA, Singapore Wet, Hong Kong, ZertES (Zwitserland), GDPR
Combineer Email OTP met andere ondertekenmethoden
Eenvoudige integratie via API, of gebruik het zelfstandige portaal
Personaliseer de oplossing naar uw branding
Veelgestelde vragen over Email OTP
What is Email OTP?
Email OTP is an electronic signing method that uses a one-time password sent to the registered signer's email address. To verify their identity, the signer must enter their full email address, then input the OTP received to complete the document signing process.
How does signing with Email OTP work?
Signing documents electronically with an Email OTP is extremely user-friendly and straightforward. The signer is prompted to confirm their email, then they are sent a one-time password via email to complete the signing request.
What are the advantages of Email OTP?
- Email OTP provides broad accessibility, allowing anyone with an email address to sign documents.
- Signers can complete documents from anywhere in the world, with most countries automatically supported in Nitro Sign—requiring only an email address.
- This method is highly user-friendly, eliminating the need for additional tokens or smart-card readers.
- It offers a seamless and intuitive signing experience while ensuring strong identity validation.
Is signing with Email OTP legally binding?
The answer is yes! In Europe, the U.S., and most countries around the world, digital signatures are legally binding and recognized in their local legislations, such as UETA eSign Act in the U.S. and Canada, eIDAS in Europe, and ZERTES in Switzerland.
Let's take a closer look to the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS Regulation 910/2014/EC). eIDAS forms a legal framework for accepting electronic identities and signatures in Europe. According to this regulation, the Email OTP signing solution is among the most advanced Simple Electronic Signatures (SES) methods available through Nitro Sign. When customers implement an onboarding procedure—where the email address is linked to the identity of the person—the SES status can even be upgraded to an AES (advanced electronic signature) status.
If you want to know more about different signing methods that Nitro Sign offers and their legal validity, please read our legal white paper conducted by DLA Piper.
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