User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro MacOS


Visible by default, hide and reveal the toolbar by choosing View > Hide Toolbar (Command+Shift+B). Nitro provides a set of default toolbar items.


A. Sidebar menu (Sidebar)

B. Zoom In/Out (Zoom/ Scale)

C. Page Width (Page Layouts and Views)

D. Scale (Zoom/ Scale)
Zoom in and out by percentage.

E. Page (Go to a Specific Page)
Type a page number to get to a page

F. Add Highlighting, Underline, Strikethrough. (Highlight, Underline, Strikethrough, and Squiggle)

G. Annotate (Text, Notes, Comments, Cloud, Callouts, Links, Attachments, Sound)
Adding text and other annotations.

H. Form (Creating Forms)
(Advanced feature of Nitro PDF Pro).

I. Draw (Drawing and Objects)

J. Correct Text (Editing and Correcting Text)

K. Open Inspector (Inspector)

L. Open Library (Library)

M. Find (Searching PDFs)

N. Share Document (Share Options)

Customize Toolbar

Customize the items on the toolbar in a couple of different ways.

  • Go to View > Customize Toolbar…
  • Control-click on the Toolbar and select Customize Toolbar… from the contextual menu.

Toolbar Order

You can rearrange the order of items in the Toolbar. However, by default, Toolbar items will automatically rearrange in the order they’re most used.

Locking Tools

For the Annotation, Drawing, and Form Elements tools, you can double-click a tool when selected to lock it and use it continuously. Clicking the Edit (arrow) tool in the Editing Bar will unlock your choice of tool.

To make the continuous use feature automatic, go to Preferences > General. (User Preferences).

Tools Default Properties

Tools such as the Annotation, Drawing, and Form tools, will remember their last chosen colors and properties. (Object Properties).

Getting Started