User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro Windows

Form Field Controls

There are several different form field tools. Each tool is used to create the respective field type. To create a field, first select the tool for the kind of field to be created, and then drag the pointer on the page where you want to position the field. After creating a field, you can move the field by selecting the respective tool, clicking the field and then dragging it on the page. You can resize a field by dragging any one of the corner handles in or out. If you need to change field attributes, you can double-click the form field to access its properties.

The types of fields you can create in Nitro Pro include:

  • Text Field: Text fields allow respondents to type text directly within the field. By default, entered text can contain both alpha and numeric values, although you can change the field properties to only allow certain types of entries (for example, numeric data only)
  • Check Box: Check Boxes are used for allowing the user make one or more selections from a number of different options (for example, a shopping list where the user checks all the items to be purchased)
  • Radio Button: Radio Buttons are similar to Check Boxes, but are typically used in cases where only one selection is acceptable. For example, you might present a group of radio buttons that correspond to credit card types on an order form; users will then be allowed to only choose one credit card type to be used in their transaction. Unlike check boxes, when one radio button is selected, the remaining buttons within the group are turned off. All other behaviors and conditions assigned to check boxes and radio buttons are identical
  • Combo Box: Combo Boxes and List Boxes are used when you want to create menus and offer respondent’s options for selecting choices from a list. The Combo Box appears as a drop down list, and uses a down-pointing arrow to expand the list. Users are limited to choosing a single option from the list
  • List Box: List Boxes are scrollable lists, with a scroll bar enabling users to move up and down within the list. List Boxes enable users to choose multiple options from the list by pressing the CTRL key while selecting
  • Button: Buttons are used for hyperlinks and invoking actions. You might create a button to clear data in a form, or to submit form data to a web address or email account
  • Digital Signature: Signature fields are fields that respondents can use in applying their individual digital signatures
  • Barcode: Fields that allow you to generate barcodes (PDF417, QRCode, Data Matrix) based on data inputted in selected fields