User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro Windows

OCR a printed document with Create PDF from Scanner

To scan and OCR a physical document:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Create group, click the PDF button, then From Scanner
  2. In the Scan Settings dialog, select your scanner device
  3. Select the sheets to be scaned, and then specify the file’s destination
  4. In the Image compression section, configure the preferences for the document’s images:
  5. Check Make document searchable to enable the OCR plugin, and click the Advanced button to set your preferences
  6. Click Scan to launch your default scanning software
  7. Click Scan to begin the scanning process (some scanner drivers require you to Close the dialog once the scan is complete)
  8. Click Finish option to end your scanning job, or select the Scan front of sheet two to continue scanning
  9. If you scanned multiple pages, clicking Finish will open the scanned document in Nitro Pro
Scanning and OCR