" Form Field Attributes | Nitro
User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro Windows

Form Field Attributes

The different types of form fields have some attributes the same, as outlined below, but because the form fields differ greatly in their design and intent, you have unique attribute assignments you can add to any given field type. For example, when creating text fields, you have options for data formatting, validation, and calculations. When using button fields, you have more options for adding appearances where icon images can be used as button faces. When using combo and list boxes you have options for adding menu names.


  • Name: As each field is created, Nitro Pro automatically names the field according to field type and order. For example, if you have two text fields on a page and create a third text field, then it defaults the name to Text3 (Text for the field type and 3 for the next field of the same type). Drawing your first button field results in Button1 for the field name
  • Tooltip: Type text in the Tooltip text box and a tooltip appears below the cursor when a user places the mouse cursor above the field
  • Form Field: In most cases, a form field will be visible. You have three additional options, Hidden, Visible but doesn’t print, and Hidden but printable
  • Rotation: You can choose rotation angles in 90-degree increments
  • Read Only: A Read Only field is not editable. Checking the Read Only check box prevents a user from editing the field data
  • Required: Check the box when a field is required for completion before submitting form data
  • Locked: This checkbox locks a field in place on the document page and prevents changes to the attribute settings. If you need to change attributes, first uncheck the checkbox that is locked


  • Font Name: The typeface you assign to a field appears only when text is added to a field, like when a user types text in a text field. Font changes do not affect tooltips or text appearing in the Form Properties dialog box
  • Font Size: All fields except signature fields accept font size changes. The default size is Auto. When you create a field box, Nitro Pro automatically sizes the text to fit the vertical size. From a drop down menu you can select fixed-point sizes or enter a value in the Font Size text box
  • Font Color: The same color options you have for appearances can be applied to fonts
  • Border Color: The rectangle (or circle) border can be assigned no color or a color from the pop-up color palette. Click the More option and you can assign any color supported by Windows
  • Line Thickness: From a pop-up menu select Thin, Medium, or Thick to change the rectangle (or circle) border stroke weight
  • Line Style: From the pop-up menu select Solid, Dashed, Beveled, Inset, or Underlined
  • Fill Color: The contents of the rectangle (or circle) can be filled with a color using the same color palette options as you have when adding color to line widths


You can assign the same action types as you have available with bookmarks and links. Actions attributes offer you two primary options-the trigger and the action type.

- Select Trigger: The Trigger is the mouse action. An action is performed on a mouse behavior from the following options:

  • Mouse Up: This is the default trigger. When the mouse button is released, the assigned action is performed
  • Mouse Down: When the mouse button is depressed, the assigned action is performed
  • Mouse Enter: When the cursor enters a field, the assigned action is performed
  • Mouse Exit: When the cursor exits a field, the assigned action is performed
  • On Focus: When a user tabs into the field, the assigned action is performed
  • On Blur: When a user tabs out of the field, the assigned action is performed

- Select Action: All the same action types you have available with bookmarks and links are available with form fields. Click the Select Action option and choose an action type from the drop down menu

The Current Actions box expands as actions are identified to accommodate a description of the assigned action(s). Use this box to view at a glance actions assigned to form fields. The box itself is not editable, but you can double-click on items to change the action. For example, when you use the Open a web link action, double clicking on the web link reported in the Actions box opens the Open a web link dialog box where a URL is typed. You can edit the URL and the change is reflected back in the box. Below the Actions box are buttons that offer you options for moving actions up or down in the box.

An Edit button opens the dialog box where an action is assigned, and the Delete button is used to delete a selected action in the box.
