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Prenuptial Agreement

Advice for Folks Considering Using a Prenuptial Agreement

Getting married can be very exciting, but it can also be a challenging time if there are a lot of assets or debts to consider. That's where a prenuptial agreement template can come into play. With a strong and binding legal agreement, the parties to a marriage can protect themselves and their assets, in the event that their marriage ends in divorce. Here are a few of the most important issues to consider.

Table of Contents

With a strong prenuptial agreement template, you and your future spouse can ensure that there is protection for assets. In some cases, marrying without this kind of agreement can cause serious financial problems for at least one of the spouses. But a prenuptial agreement can help avoid all of that.

In this section, we'll talk about:

  • Important Prenuptial Agreement Clauses
  • Best Practices for a Prenup
  • Tips for a Secure Agreement
  • Key Considerations for Prenuptial Agreements
  • Related Sources of Information

Important Clauses in a Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement template isn't quite the same as other types of agreements and contracts. While most other contracts are focused on a business-client relationship, prenuptial agreements are much more personal in nature. But marriage is also a business decision, and for people with significant assets it becomes important to protect themselves. The prenuptial agreement should include clauses for:

  1. Joint and Separate Property -- How property is classed matters, and spouses need to agree on whether property they already have and/or acquire during the marriage is shared or not.
  2. Joint and Separate Debt -- The same is true with debt, and how it will be considered if the spouses decide to divorce.
  3. Waiver of Rights -- Waiving rights to property that isn't theirs is often part of a prenuptial agreement.
  4. Taxes -- Who pays taxes, and whether those taxes are split equally, should be carefully considered.
  5. Marital Residence -- One of the biggest questions in a divorce is often who gets the house.
  6. Disputes -- If there are disputes during a divorce, how those should be handled is worth considering.

Having these kinds of clauses in your prenuptial agreement template makes it easier to fill in the details without forgetting something. These kinds of agreements have to be handled carefully in order to be enforceable in court, so you want a template you can trust, to protect your interests properly.

Best Practices for a Prenuptial Agreement

By choosing a good prenuptial agreement template, you and your spouse can make all the important financial decisions that will protect both of your interests during your marriage and in the event that you decide to divorce. You reduce the risk of a contentious divorce, too, which can be stressful and expensive. Be sure that your prenuptial agreement addresses:

  • The way you will own and divide property and debt.
  • The way you will handle custody of any shared children.
  • The rights you will waive and the way you will work through disputes.

When you embark on a marriage, you don't want to be thinking about divorce. However, protecting yourself and your assets is common sense and can be extremely important for those who have a lot of wealth to protect. A prenuptial agreement template makes that easier.

How to Provide a Prenuptial Agreement That's Secure

It's very important to have security for your prenuptial agreement. You don't want anything to happen to it, and you want to make sure it's valid in case it's ever needed. Both spouses must sign it, and it needs to be stored securely. To do that, you canuse Nitro Sign for your prenuptial agreement and any other important documents. That way, you don't have to worry about losing the agreement.

Key Prenuptial Agreement Considerations

A prenuptial agreement template is vital when you want to make sure you and your spouse are protecting yourself properly. Assets and debts both matter in a marriage, and when you work through a prenuptial agreement, you should think about:

  • Adding detail to make sure you don't overlook assets or debts.
  • Being specific about waived rights, children, disputes, and legal jurisdiction.
  • Including any unique situations or issues that wouldn't commonly be included in a prenup. 

With a prenuptial agreement template, you and your spouse can feel confident that your assets are protected.

Related Sources for Information

To learn more about prenuptial agreements, consider these sources.


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