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ISO 27001 Certification

Nitro Sign Premium, Document Generation, and Identity Hub meet the highest international (data) security standards set by the ISO 27001 certification.

Secure information systems

ISO/IEC 27001 is the international standard that provides a framework for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).

The framework enables companies to achieve secure information systems and to document sensitive information regarding data security, company information, and IT systems. Connective, a Nitro Company, received the ISO/IEC 27001 certificate,
demonstrating they meet the highest international (data) security standards set by the certification.



 Advantages of ISO 27001 certification

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Data protection excellence

ISO 27001 helps us improve our data security processes and demonstrates our adherence to a recognized standard.
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Periodically reviewed measures

Regular reviews guaranteed the continued effectiveness of our information security management system (ISMS).
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International security compliance

ISO 27001 is the only global standard that helps organizations comply with the various requirements of an ISMS.

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA)

The standards of ISO 27001 are based on three principles called CIA, which stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. What does it mean?

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Preventing that information from being available to unauthorized individuals and/or systems.
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Ensuring that only authorized people can modify information.
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Ensuring information is available to authorized individuals at the appropriate time and within established deadlines.

What's the importance of ISO 27001?

Every organization should strive to conform to the CIA principles with a comprehensive framework for information security. For Connective, a Nitro Company, we have significantly enhanced our compliance protocols to safeguard sensitive and personal data. Our committed team consistently monitors, assesses, and manages information security risks and vulnerabilities, while adhering to stringent regulatory standards.

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Reduced risk

With an ISMS, we significantly reduce the risk of our data or our clients' data being misused, incorrect, or unavailable in a timely manner.


Worldwide trust

The ISO 27001 certification is one of the most widely recognised information security standards in the world. It demonstrates our commitment to excellence and our ISMS aligns with information security best practices.

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Improved Security

With the certification, we can improve our processes and ensure the data of our employees, clients, and partners are being managed properly and securely.

The ISO 27001 certification demonstrates our ongoing commitment to protecting our clients’ and our companies’ data.
Filip Verreth
Chief Information Officer at Connective, a Nitro Company

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